I’ve had a Patagonia Headway MLC for a number of years now. It’s a great bag and I’ve taken it all over the world as my single travel bag.

It’s been very durable with only one real problem in the decade that I have had it. When I got home from my last trip, the big external zipper got caught on something and I yanked it too hard and it came off of the track. It was my fault for forcing it.

I looked around on the interwebs for some ideas on fixing it and found a bunch. Most of them talked about removing the zipper stops and putting the zipper on at the end then reapplying the zipper stop. Sounds good, but the zipper stops on this bag are sewn up and it would require major surgery.

The simplest idea I came across was the cut the zipper with scissors, rethread the zipper and then sew it up so that the zipper wouldn’t come off in the cut. So, I tried that and it worked pretty well.

We’ll see how it wears but it feels good to have quality items that are worth fixing and will give me many more years of service.
